Chen Chengwen / Tobias Klich

4 Hände


In Plato’s reflections on love, the original form of man appears ternary: male, female and androgynous. These originally four-armed beings were torn apart by the gods. In a multiplicity of sexual orientations and identities, they have been seeking union ever since.

In 4 HANDS, with a single instrument, two people merge into a fourhanded being – two women, two men, and a mixed couple, following Plato’s pattern. What does it mean to cooperate in such a confined space? What impulses could this model provide for social interaction? Or for new forms of love?

The musical and scenic action of this polished work of instrumental theatre remain closely intertwined, requiring an extreme degree of controlled interaction. The visual inventiveness that both composers – also a four-handed double – bring to this collaboration is virtually inexhaustible.

Composition: Chen Chengwen, Tobias Klich

With: Ulrike Brand, Cello | Zoé Cartier, Cello| John-Robin Bold, Guitar| Henrik Dewes, Guitar| Olivia Steimel, Accordion | Pedrag Tomíc, Accordion | Angela Postweiler, Extended Voice

Location: Volksbühne – Dritter Stock

Duration: ca. 70 Minuten

Sa 9.4. | 18:30 UHR
So 10.4. | 19:00 UHR

→ Ticket information

A production by tritonus e.V.
Supported by Musikfonds e.V. with project funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the special programme NEUSTART KULTUR and the Waldemar Koch Foundation.