

Chloé Bieri’s artistic work is difficult to define. The multifaceted vocalist, performer, and composer, from the French-speaking part of Switzerland, dedicates herself equally to projects in the field of contemporary music and new music theatre, as well as chanson and electropop. The focus of her performance VAGUE is the interaction of voice and electronics. She works playfully not only with electroacoustic devices, some of which she developed herself, but also with light, projection, and everyday objects. In addition to a wide spectrum of sounds, this opens up an equally wide field of multimedia performance.

Composition: Léo Collin, Stanislas Pili, Chloé Bieri, Huihui Cheng, Carlo Barbagallo, Chloé Bieri

With: Chloé Bieri, Performance, Stimme

Location: Volksbühne – Dritter Stock

Duration: ca. 60 Minutes

Do 7.4. │ 21:00 UHR
Fr 8.4. │ 21:00 UHR

→ Ticket information

A production by Association ArtPlus.

Supported by IGNM Zurich, Pakt Bern, Fondation Nicati-de Luze, Burgergemeinde Bern, Gesellschaft zu Ober-Gerwern Bern, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Fondation SUISA, Oertli Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Canton de Vaud.

Guest performance supported by Pro Helvetia