Dive Dark Vol.3
DIVE DARK deals with the figure of Joan of Arc. The material of Tchaikovsky’s opera of the same name is extensively drawn upon. In this turbulent opera performance, Jean d’Arc appears torn between the quarrels of her existence as an activist and her longing to turn away from the world – blinded by daylight, she longs to plunge into the dark. She is a heroine who never really wanted to be one. She is a seer who, through the sound of too many voices, lost her sight.
Julia Lwowski and Maria Buzhor are members of the collective “Hauen und Stechen“. For smaller joint ventures they go by the name “Ensemble Trisolde“. DIVE DARK is a site-specific project that transforms and evolves depending on the location. “Volume 3” was produced for the festival and is tailored to Babylon’s great silent film history and the special ambiance of its street corner “mirror room” with its historic floor mosaic and mirrored ceiling.
Concept: Ensemble Trisolde | Music: Peter Tschaikowsky und andere
With: Maria Buzhor, Performance | Julia Lwowski, Performance | Roman Lemberg, Keyboards
Location: Babylon – Spiegelraum
Duration: ca. 70 Minutes
DO 7.4. │ 18:00 UHR
DO 7.4. │ 21:00 UHR
FR 8.4. │ 17:30 UHR
FR 8.4. │ 21:00 UHR
Ticket information
A production by BAM! – Berlin Festival for Contemporary Music Theatre 2022