Herbert Fritsch / Ingo Günther / Taiko Saito



As part of BAM! Herbert Fritsch returns to Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, together with Ingo Günther and Taiko Saito, who have informed his theatre musically in recent years.

BILDERSCHONER is a theatrical music and film performance. It is based on graphic films that Fritsch developed for these two musicians, without performers during the time of the theater lockdown, which he considers a close-up of his stage designs. Fritsch’s films are abstract, inviting contemplation and concentration rather than entertainment. They are a statement about the visual overload and intellectual underload of the image media of our time.

As well as this, BILDERSCHONER is also an appeal not to simply return to former normality after the end of the pandemic. In this evening the four participants, including the dramaturg Sabrina Zwach, attempt to step out of the hierarchies of usual theater logic, employing new and equal forms of cooperation, rethinking themselves as an ensemble.

Film, Concept, Direction: Herbert Fritsch | Dramaturgy: Sabrina Zwach

With: Ingo Günther, Klavier | Taiko Saito; Vibraphon, Marimbaphon

Location: Babylon – Kinosaal

Duration: ca. 70 Minutes

Do 7.4. | 19:30 Uhr
Fr 8.4. | 19:30 Uhr

→ Ticket information

A production by BAM! – Berlin Festival for Contemporary Music Theatre 2022