Huba De Graaff
»Many operas,« writes Huba de Graaff, »are about lust, about desire – about sex. This one concentrates on the essentials!«
Using the audio tracks of porn films, de Graaff analyzed the various variants of moaning. A male urge for idealiziation that deems everything which reminds of the physical as »dirty«, she reasons, has banned them as vocal qualities from classical singing technique. The classical-romantic symphony, in whose Finali she recognizes the sublimated (and thus »disembodied«) model of male ejaculation, is countered within her PORNOPERA from a feminist point of view by an unhidden reference to the physical as by a formal structure that remains based on the female timing of the sexual act. »Imagine a hot summer evening! All windows are wide open. And from everywhere you hear female orgasm cries. And the whole world is gasping, sighing, moaning, swinging, oscillating. Pornography is often vulgar, lying and ugly. But this piece is a beautiful one. Because singing is a liberation.«
Music: Huba de Graaff | Stage Direction: Sanne von Rijn
With: Soetkin Demey, Voice | Eva Tebbe, Harp | Ekaterina Levental, Harp
Location: Volksbühne – Unteres Foyer
Duration: ca. 45 Minuten
Do 26.9., 20:30 Uhr
Do 26.9., 22:30 Uhr
A Production of Huba de Graaff 2017, based on an earlier version from 2014. Gueest performance supported by Dutch Performing Arts, an initiative of Performing Arts Fund NL