Volksbühne – Grüner Salon
26.+ 27.9., from 18:00
28.+ 29.9., from 16:00
> Free entrance
BAM!s Festival Lounge at Volksbühne’s Grüner Salon is opens on festival days shortly before the first performance. It offers visitors the opportunity to catch their breath and to get into conversation with other guests and artists of the festival.
Volksbühne – Grüner Salon
Special Guests:
26.9. from 22.00: Tomomi Adachi
27.9. from 22.00: Sebastian Berweck
28.9. from 22.00: Club Gewalt
29.9. from 22.30: Schulz und Söhne
> Free entrance
Later in the evenings, BAM!s Festival Lounge at Grüner Salon will be transformed into a party area for the audience and groups of the festival, free of entry. An essential part are performances by selected special guests from the field of music-theatrical performance. The unexpected is to be expected.
Programm zum Download
ZMB – Zeitgenössisches Musiktheater Berlin