Beins / Vorfeld
Independently of each other, composer performers Michael Vorfeld and Burkhard Beins have been working for years on the expansion of their percussion instruments, exploring, each on their own, ways of translating sound into the visual.
In KLIRRFAKTOR – one of two performances on the opening evening of BAM! that take place in a darkened room – they combine their ideas to create a hypnotic audio-visual performance for light, sound objects, percussion, electronics and projections. Styrofoam boxes may act as a source of light as well as sound, intensities of a tam-tam can be transferred to the flickering of light bulbs. Just as sound becomes the trigger of light, light can trigger sound. Natural delays in the interconnection of acoustic and visual phenomena frequently lead to a rhythmic interplay in which both levels seem to act as if independent while creating a stunning audio-visual counterpoint.
Concept, Composition, Performance, Percussion, Electronics, Light: Burkhard Beins | Michael Vorfeld
Location: Volksbühne – Roter Salon
Duration: ca. 60 Minuten
Do 26.9., 20:30 Uhr
Do 26.9., 22:30 Uhr
Fr 27.9., 21:30 Uhr
A production of Beins / Vorfeld 2018. Supported by inm – Initiative für Neue Musik