Meriel Price
Staring at the Bin
The boundaries between private and public space have become blurred. Not only does private space appear increasingly exposed to the public but public space itself is losing the contours of being public, as the smartphone has mutated into an effective defensive weapon against the intrusion of the outside world,
In her project series STARING AT THE BIN, Berlin-based composer performer, saxophonist and visual artist Meriel Price takes as her starting point this disappearing public space, a place of perception, encounter and communication, smuggling the smallest, musical-theatrical interventions into the realm of public life while investigating the reactions of inhabitants from different cities and metropolitan areas. Where these disturbances are still perceived, they force a pause for thought. They provide an opportunity to reopen the eyes and ears and make contact with the physical world. The interventions of STARING AT THE BIN’s Berlin edition take place in the festival area. Any visitor of the festival may run into them. A video room documents the growing series of filmed interventions.
Direction, Composition: Meriel Price | Video: Gernot Wöltjen, Aron Kitzig
With: DieOrdnungDerDinge – Iñigo Giner Miranda | Vera Kardos | Meriel Price | Cathrin Romeis || Tobias Dutschke | Eva Kessler | Johann-Michael Schneider
Galerie Martin Mertens / 21.9. – 23.9., 15:00 – 21:00
Festival-Areal / Daily unannounced in the public space
Free entrance
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A production of “BAM! – Berliner Festival für aktuelles Musiktheater”