ensemble mosaik

Karen Power: voices of hidden places

The Arctic and the Amazon Rainforest are two of the world’s most contrasting regions. Field Recordings, recorded there by Karen Power, form the basis for voices of hidden places, an immersive music theater installation in which the visitor moves through different rooms on his own individual research journey. Each of these rooms possesses a sphere of own sound. The play of the musicians remains connected via loudspeakers. Not only do both of these spheres interlock and influence each other, visitors also change them by their visit and experience its effects.

In their programs, ensemble mosaik have explored the interdisciplinary field between hearing and seeing. voices of hidden places is their second collaboration with the Irish composer Karen Power, who integrates in her work everyday and environmental sounds and media such as video, dance and sculpture.

Concept, Composition, Text: Karen Power | Stage: Karen Power, John Godfrey | Video  Technique: Eckehard Guether | Light: Domenik Engemann

With: Ute Wassermann, Voice | Simon Strasser, Oboe | Roland Neffe, Percussion | Mathis Mayr, Violoncello | Ernst Surberg, Synthesizer | Arne Vierck, Sound Design

Location: ACUD (Studio, Theater und Hof), Veteranenstraße 21

Duration: ca. 80 Minuten


20.9., 20:00 (premiere)

A production of ensemble mosaik and “BAM! – Berliner Festival für aktuelle Musiktheater” in cooperation with Berliner Künstlerprogramm des DAAD

Commission of composition supported by Cork Midsummer Festival and Irish Arts Council

Commission of text supported by Irish Council Bursary Award

Suuported by Travel Funding Culture Ireland