22.9. | 18 Uhr

Festival Lounge, Kunsthaus KuLe / Auguststraße 10

Neues Musiktheater zwischen den Fronten des Theaterbetriebs

With: Kulturpolitiker*innen und Interessenvertreter*innen der Freien Szene: Janina Benduski (LAFT); Christian Kesten (inm); Regina Kittler (Die Linke); Roland Quitt (ZMB); Daniel Wesener (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen); Kerstin Wiehe (culture manager)

Moderation: Christophe Knoch

Still today music theatre is often equivaltent to opera and rarely it is perceived as a discrete field of theatre with its own language, forms and languages of expression. So nether in the cultural politics nor in the public perception the free music theatre in Berlin receives the attention it is worthy of. So what can its players do, to change this situation? And how can they be supproted political?

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23.9. | 15 Uhr

Festival Lounge, Kunsthaus KuLe / Auguststraße 10

Zeitgenössisches Musiktheater zwischen Abstraktion und Narration

With: Steffi Weismann (Composer-Performerin, Maulwerker); Michael Höppner (Regisseur, Opera Lab Berlin); Georg Nussbaumer (Komponist); Daniel Kötter (Regisseur); Philine Rinnert (Bühnenbildnerin)

Moderation: Martina Stütz, Matthias Rebstock

In the performance oriented field of contemporary theatre you find an intensive discurs about narrating as performative act. But what is the position of contemporary music theatre in this field between narration and abstraction? And what is the role of music? Artists from the festival discuss, based on the productions presented in the festival, this questions and plumb these wide spectrum of different aesthetic approaches.

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